

  • 总编:
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  • 出版公司: 光明日报社
  • 地址: 北京崇文区珠市口东大街5号
  • 电话:
  • E-mail: 100062
  • 国内统一刊号: 11-1091/G2
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  • 邮发代号: 2-868

简      介

  《博览群书》由光明日报社主办的综合性读书指导刊物。旨在引导广大城乡青年读 书学习,推动振兴中华读书活动的深入开展。本刊是一本在中国大陆知识分子中影响颇 大的文化月刊。在“博览”中看透历史与现实,于“群书”里识尽精彩与繁华,本刊是 你了解中国图书界、知识分子界动态的不可多得的刊物。
  Read widely held under the auspices of the guangming daily  comprehensive reading guide publication. Aims to guide the broad masses  of urban and rural youth reading learning, and promote in-depth  development of the revitalization of the Chinese reading activities. This  newspaper is an influential in mainland China intellectuals in the  cultural issue. Through the history and reality, in the "expo" in "book"  is as brilliant and prosperous, the economist is you understand China's  rare book world, intellectual dynamic publication.


  《博览群书》(月刊)创刊于1985年,由光明日报社主办。生活即阅读,思想共交 流。《博览群书》既对人文社科类图书进行评论推介,又对社会、人生这部无字大书进 行思考。目标读者和作者是社会各界主流人士。《博览群书》坚持两翼齐飞(以书为媒 、关注生活),三性并举(思想性、趣味性、服务性)。阅读《博览群书》,可以提高 阅读趣味和修养、选读人文社科类好书、了解思想界最新动态、营造自己的精神高地。

  "Be learned in books" (monthly) was founded in 1985, sponsored by the  Guangming daily. Life is reading, thought exchanges. "" not only to be  learned in books of Humanities and social sciences books on promotion,  and of the social life, the wordless book thinking. The target readers  and the author is the mainstream of society. "To be learned in books"  wings (life by means of books, attention), three simultaneously (thought,  interest, service). "Reading" be learned in books, can improve the  reading interest and accomplishment of Humanities and Social Sciences,  books, to understand the ideological circles, the latest build their  spiritual highland.

  《博览群书》是一本在中国大陆知识分子中影响颇大的文化月刊。在“博览”中看透 历史与现实,于“群书”里识尽精彩与繁华,本刊是你了解中国图书界、知识分子界动 态的不可多得的刊物。阅读《博览群书》,可以提高阅读趣味和修养、选读人文社科类 好书、了解思想界最新动态、营造自己的精神高地。《博览群书》刊载的文章思想性和 趣味性兼具,以小见大,晓白通畅,好读耐读。